Phone icon Rochester: (585) 248-2413 / Pittsburgh: (412) 531-2380
Phone icon Rochester: (585) 248-2413 / Pittsburgh: (412) 531-2380

Sustainability means "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Sustainable business initiatives strive to grow business without extending the use of natural resources beyond the environment¹s capacity to supply them indefinitely, striking a balance between financial performance and environmental/social performance. Factors that drive companies to pursue sustainability, beyond the associated financial and environmental benefits, include globalization, increased focus on corporate environmental governance, enhancing corporate visibility, shareholder, community and media review of business practices, requirements of customers and vendors, and increased focus from investors and financial markets on responsible eco-investing.

Leader assists companies with developing, implementing and reporting sustainability strategies through the following services:

  • Educating internal and external stakeholders
  • Developing sustainability strategies
  • Acquiring and validating sustainability data
  • Preparing sustainability reports and corporate EH&S reports
  • Performing sustainability audits and evaluations
  • Design and implementation of environmental information management systems

Environmental Management Services

Businesses are operating in a climate of increasingly complex environmental regulations, emerging international requirements, and pressure by external stakeholders for transparency in social, economic and environmental reporting. In this climate, it is essential that companies develop environmental management practices backed by organizational commitment and driven by performance evaluations and continual improvement. Proactive environmental management systems can add value to the corporate bottom line by enhancing reputation, reducing risk, creating community recognition, avoiding costs, stimulating process innovation, improving worker productivity and health, and improving relationships with regulators.

Leader assists clients in all phases of the environmental management cycle‹designing, implementing, evaluating, and improving. Areas in which we can help include the following:

  • Supporting management commitment for environmental programs
  • Informing and educating clients about industry trends through news
  • dissemination and management briefings
  • Reviewing and recommending management systems
  • Establishing management program goals and performance metrics
  • Recommending and integrating IT systems for data collection and generation
  • of environmental or sustainability reports
  • Communicating achievement, both internally and externally, through annual
  • reports, sustainability reports, newsletters, web-based and other media

At Leader, we provide our clients with rapid, cost effective solutions built on our high degree of engineering, scientific, and regulatory know-how.

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